Qigong / Tai Chi


Theory: Understanding the conceptual basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Qigong, and Tai Chi can make your practice more effective.

Late Summer: Earth Season

In Late Summer we focus on our Earth Energy, stabilizing our passionate fire energy and preparing us for the coming Autumn when traditionally farmers would be reaping their harvest. Earth is sometimes viewed as a transitional phase in TCM, not only occurring at the...

Our Three Treasures

Qigong translates as ‘Breath Work’.  (Taiqi (Tai Chi) is a type of moving qigong.)  Here we are practicing qigong for health. As such it is a set of traditional movements and practices directed at improving our physical and mental well-being. In these practices we...

Practice with Music

A Practice with Music Last week we learned how to use music to practice. This week we will move to the music. Moving with music increases our mental focus, allowing us to gain control over the timing so we can move through life with more grace. The 'Standing On a...

Qigong Components: The Spinal Pump

Description Horse Back Rise up while turning your thorax upward to turn your heart toward the sun. (You are not leaning backward nor straining your lower back). Head looks up. Turtle Back Pull in chest. Roll pelvis under. Lower back is flat as if pressing kidneys...

Spring: Wood Season

During Spring we build our Wood Energy, focusing on strengthening our liver in order to flush toxins from our body. As we are exiting Winter, a period of stillness and energy conservation, we must put an emphasis on stretching out our ligaments to improve our...

Tai Chi 101: What you are learning on QOLnow

What you are learning Things may seem chaotic but there is a pattern to our teaching. The movements your are learning here are aimed at: Improving your general health, balance, and mental acuity. Building a sound base for Tai Chi and Bagua forms. General...

Thrusting Vessel (Chong Mai)

Chong Mai (Thrusting Vessel): It is an interior vessel that is considered the origin of all the meridians. It influences blood circulation, nourishment, and reproductive functions. Meeting all the twelve main meridians. It is termed the "Sea of the Twelve...

Types of Breathing: Natural and Reverse

Our energy (Qi) is controlled through our breathing and movement. The very first step back to health is learning to breathe as we did when we were first born. Babies breathe with their abdo­men. As we age, our breath rises in our bodies. Adults tend to breathe with...