Qigong / Tai Chi


Theory: Understanding the conceptual basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Qigong, and Tai Chi can make your practice more effective.

Warm Up Movements Explained

We go through many of the same movements every lesson during the warmup.   This lesson explains the how and why of them so you can practice more effectively!

Why QiGong

Qi (chi) is the bio-electric energy which flows through our bodies and is controlled by the breath. [Thus, in the first lessons we learn is how to breathe with our abdomen.] ‘Gong’ means ‘work’, hence Breath Work is instrumental in keeping the flow of fluids and...

Winter: Water Season

Finally, we head into Winter, the time of Water Energy, when we rest, look inward, condense, and contain our energy to endure until Spring. Here we focus on our kidneys which control the water in our body and relate to the circulation of bodily fluids like blood....

Yang Heel Vessel (Yang Qiao Mai)

Yang Qiao Mai (Yang Heel Vessel): It connects the outer edge of the foot and runs up the back of the leg, influencing balance and the ability to take action. The Yin and Yang Heel vessels regulate the lower...

Yang Linking Vessel (Yang Wei Mai)

Yang Wei Mai (Yang Linking Vessel): It is an interior vessel that links all the Yang meridians. It is associated with musculoskeletal functions, coordination, and the integration of physical movements. Yin and Yang Linking Vessels regulate the flow of Qi in the yan...

Yin Heel Vessel (Yin Qiao Mai)

Yin Qiao Mai (Yin Heel Vessel): It connects the inner edge of the foot and runs up the inner leg, influencing emotional and psychological aspects, as well as the regulation of Yin energy. The Yin and Yang Heel vessels regulate the lower...

Yin Linking Vessel (Yin Wei Mai)

Yin Wei Mai (Yin Linking Vessel): It is an interior vessel that links all the Yin meridians. It is associated with emotional well-being, mental stability, and the integration of emotions. Yin and Yang Linking Vessels regulate the flow of Qi in the yan and yang...

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