Our Blog
1 Your Hearts Under traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) a ‘heart’ is an organ which moves fluids through your body. In TCM, as...
Our energy (Qi) is controlled through our breathing and movement. The very first step back to health is learning to breathe as we did...
If you have already taken one of Kurt’s Tai Chi lessons you have likely heard him relate the movements he is teaching to the 5...
During Spring we build our Wood Energy, focusing on strengthening our liver in order to flush toxins from our body. As we are exiting...
In Late Summer we focus on our Earth Energy, stabilizing our passionate fire energy and preparing us for the coming Autumn when...
Autumn: Metal Season As we enter Autumn, the time of Metal Energy, we refine our Earth energy in preparation of Winter. Now we make...
Finally, we head into Winter, the time of Water Energy, when we rest, look inward, condense, and contain our energy to endure until...
As Winter comes to an end and the cold snow gives way to vibrant, budding flowers the cycle of the 5 Seasons begins again with Wood...