Abdominal Breathing

Abdominal Breathing is one of the most essential skill for properly practicing Tai Chi, Yoga, Martial Arts, Qigong, and Meditation.

The first video in one of the videos for my instructor certification test. It explains why we practice.

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5 Seasons

The 5 Seasons  Here at QOLNow we follow the methodology of the 5 Seasons to help guide our practices over time. By focusing on certain aspects of our bodies with each season we strengthen all parts of ourselves over the course of the year. Learn more about our...

8 Brocades

The 8 Pieces of Brocade Training Module

Yin Yang Symbol

Chair Practices

Chair PracticeChair Practices: Most qigong forms can be performed from a chair.

Foundations: Music, Breathing, Stretching

Stretching / Breathing / FoundationsStretching Exercises are to stretch the hamstrings and back of the legs and to strengthen the back. These movements are to help relieve back pain. Breathing Exercises use abdominal breathing and our calves to get all of our...

Qigong / Taichi Theory

Qigong / Tai Chi TheoryTheory: Understanding the conceptual basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Qigong, and Tai Chi can make your practice more...

Tai Chi Beginnings Form

Tai Chi BeginningsTai Chi Beginnings is a short Tai Chi form meant to develop basic Tai Chi skills.

Tai Chi Walking

Tai Chi WalkingTai Chi Walking presents Tai Chi skills having to do with standing, walking, and balance. These are essential for health and for learning the Tai Chi forms.

Taichi Hand Movements

Tai Chi Hand MovementsThese are various hand movements: Wave Hands Like Clouds Play the Lute Part the Wild Horse's Mane Brush Knee Repel the Monkey [ba_post_list include_categories="current" order_by="title" posts_only_with_image="off" _builder_version="4.23.4"...