Our energy (Qi) is controlled through our breathing and movement. The very first step back to health is learning to breathe as we did when we were first born. Babies breathe with their abdomen. As we age, our breath rises in our bodies. Adults tend to breathe with their chest. This is not only inefficient but can cause physical and mental imbalance.
When you are feeling upset, what is the first thing people tell you to do? ‘Take a deep breath’. You should always be taking a deep breath.
Abdominal breathing is done by expanding and contracting the abdominal cavity. This draws more air into the lungs. In addition to drawing in air, it moves the internal organs, massaging them and stimulating them to work more efficiently. Finally, your abdomen acts as a pump to push fluids, blood, and Qi around the body, keeping it functioning at a higher-level by circulating nutrients and flushing wastes.
Qigong means ‘breathe work’. The first basis for this art is to learn to breathe properly.
Breathing properly is one of the foundations of your health. Breathing with your abdomen is used in Yoga, Meditation, Tai Chi, Qigong, and Martial Arts. These all use ‘abdominal breathing’ which is the first thing we learn and is important that we make it our constant habit, not just during practice.

1.1 Two categories of Abdominal breathing
Two main categories of breathing are Natural Breathing and Embryonic Breathing. Both these use the abdomen for breathing (versus chest breathing). Teaching Abdominal Breathing methods are generally one of the primary aspects of training in various practices, e.g., meditation, yoga, qigong, and martial arts.
1.1.1 Natural Breathing
In Natural Breathing the abdomen goes out on the inhale and in on the exhale. This is the type of breathing taught by QOLNow. It promotes good fluid flow and activates and massages our internal organs. With a few weeks of attention, this can become an adult’s constant way of breathing (versus chest breathing). Chest Breathing
As a person ages their breath rises to their chest. This is shallower breathing which insufficiently oxygenates the body and unsettles the mind.
1.1.2 Embryonic Breathing
In Embryonic Breathing the abdomen in pulled in during the inhale and pushed out during the exhale. QOLNow utilizes this type of breathing when teaching certain specific practices.
1.2 Other Terminology
There are other translations for the names of these types of breathing.
‘Before Heaven’ refers to events that happen before one was born and ‘After Heaven’ refers to events that happen after birth.
Taoists use embryonic breathing during their mediation practices.
Embryonic breathing is also referred to as ‘Before Heaven Breathing’, ‘Reverse Breathing’, and ‘Taoist Breathing’.
Natural Breathing is also referred to as ‘After Heaven Breathing’.