Yang Linking Vessel (Yang Wei Mai)

Yang Wei Mai (Yang Linking Vessel): It is an interior vessel that links all the Yang meridians. It is associated with musculoskeletal functions, coordination, and the integration of physical movements. Yin and Yang Linking Vessels regulate the flow of Qi in the yan...

Yin Linking Vessel (Yin Wei Mai)

Yin Wei Mai (Yin Linking Vessel): It is an interior vessel that links all the Yin meridians. It is associated with emotional well-being, mental stability, and the integration of emotions. Yin and Yang Linking Vessels regulate the flow of Qi in the yan and yang...

Yin Heel Vessel (Yin Qiao Mai)

Yin Qiao Mai (Yin Heel Vessel): It connects the inner edge of the foot and runs up the inner leg, influencing emotional and psychological aspects, as well as the regulation of Yin energy. The Yin and Yang Heel vessels regulate the lower body. 8 Vessels 01: 7 Stars...

Yang Heel Vessel (Yang Qiao Mai)

Yang Qiao Mai (Yang Heel Vessel): It connects the outer edge of the foot and runs up the back of the leg, influencing balance and the ability to take action. The Yin and Yang Heel vessels regulate the lower body. 8 Vessels 01: 7 Stars Press the Earth 8 Vessels 07:...

Belt Vessel (Dai Mai)

Dai Mai (Belt Vessel): It encircles the waist like a belt and regulates the movement of Qi between the upper and lower parts of the body.It binds up all the meridians. It is often associated with musculoskeletal disorders. 8 Vessels 04: Twist like a Rope Previous...

Thrusting Vessel (Chong Mai)

Chong Mai (Thrusting Vessel): It is an interior vessel that is considered the origin of all the meridians. It influences blood circulation, nourishment, and reproductive functions. Meeting all the twelve main meridians. It is termed the “Sea of the Twelve...