If you have already taken one of Kurt’s Tai Chi lessons you have likely heard him relate the movements he is teaching to the 5 Seasons. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the 5 seasons: Wood (Spring), Fire (Early Summer), Earth (Late Summer), Metal (Autumn), and Water (Winter), represent different phases of change all things constantly undergo.
Often inaccurately translated as 5 Elements the phases differ from the 4 Western elements as they are not static forms distinguished by their natural qualities, rather they are a theory of natural transitions that generate, change, and destroy all phenomena, always ending by beginning the cycle anew.
Transitioning between Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water movements throughout the year helps us to strengthen all parts of our body. If we lack focus in one aspect it can diminish the strength of the others leading to digestive problems, inflexibility, toxins building up in our bodies, and a range of other health issues. With each season in the calendar we focus on building up the corresponding energy within ourselves. Each energy in turn corresponds to certain internal organs and strengthens different aspects of our body.