Benefits of Abdominal Breathing


Breathing properly is one of the foundations of your health. Breathing with your abdomen is used in Yoga, Meditation, Tai Chi, Qigong, and Martial Arts. These all use ‘abdominal breathing’ which is the first thing we learn and is important that we make it our daily habit, not just during practice.

Most adults breath with their chests. This is inefficient. Using your abdomen to breath by raising and lowering the diaphragm has several benefits: (Slow deep breathing with your belly.)

1. Controls your emotions.
2. Allows greater expansion of the lungs making more oxygen available to the body.
3. Massages the internal organs promoting circulation of bodily fluids and energy. (lymphatic/glymphatic systems)
4. Improves digestion.
5. Calms the mind and relieves stress. Improves mental focus. Calms nervous system.
6. Improves sleep.


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Babies breathe with their abdomens. As we age, our breathing rises to our chest. We need to go back to our youth.